Resources for you
There are resources available. We can shed light on the array of options and create a plan for you.
Frequently asked questions
1. Pregnancy
Depending on when you have done your pregnancy test, the result may not be accurate. We can arrange for you to redo the test to be sure. This test is free as part of our service.
It is still too early for the test, but do come in to talk to us anyway. We can help to track your menstrual cycle and see if you were possibly near the ovulation period and your chances of getting pregnant.
We understand you need support at this time and welcome them to come with you to the visit.
You may wish to confide in a close family member like a sibling or relative like an aunt, whom you can open up to and they can give you emotional support and help you to go through this difficult time. When you are ready and with their help, find an appropriate time to break this news to your parents. Be prepared that they will be disappointed or angry with you, and give them time to come to terms with it. If you need us, we can accompany you and be there to help you talk to them.
The first trimester is a period of tremendous growth. In just four weeks, the heart, brain, and spinal cord begin to form. Major organs like the stomach and intestines are already forming, as well as the eyes and ears. Within 6 weeks, the unborn child’s heart is beating and brain activity can be recorded.
In 8 weeks, all the major organs have begun to develop. The unborn child’s facial features become recognizable, including the nose, lips, and tongue. After 10 weeks, the unborn child has enough muscle control to make its hand into a fist.
By the close of the first trimester week 12, all of the organs and body parts have been formed, including the nerve fibers that transmit pain signals to the brain.
At the beginning of the second trimester, major organs such as the liver and the pancreas begin to function.
The unborn child begins to make movements that can be felt by its mother. Detailed features begin to form, including fingernails, taste-buds, and eyelashes. After 20 weeks, some experts have concluded that the unborn child is able to feel pain.
At the end of week 26, the unborn child becomes more animated. It can hear outside noises, hiccup, squint, smile, and frown. Its unique footprints and fingerprints have formed. The lungs have developed to the point it maybe possible for a prematurely born baby to survive, although they may incur serious disabilities.
A newborn is considered full-term once it has developed for 38 weeks.
The weeks leading up to that point are the final stages of growth. After 26 weeks, the unborn child exercises its muscles by kicking and stretching. The bones are fully developed and the brainwaves resemble those of a fully-developed baby. Between 34–36 weeks, the eyes begin to open when the unborn baby is awake and close when he or she sleeps. It weighs between 5 to 6 pounds and measures between 16-19 inches long.
If the baby should be born prematurely, the chances of survival are excellent, although the newborn might need special care.
2. Abortion
Abortion is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy thus discontinuing life.
Pregnancies are terminated in one of two ways, either medically or surgically, depending on how close the unborn baby is to being full-term. To make a truly informed decision, seeking professional pre-abortion counseling is an important part of the process.
Abortion pills, Mifepristone and Misoprostol, are the two drugs used for medical abortions. Given orally or vaginally by injection, they cause you to bleed and pass clots, tissue and the unborn child over a course of few hours or days. You may bleed for up to 2-3 weeks and will require a follow-up visit with your physician.
D & C (Dilation and Curettage with Vacuum Aspiration)
This surgical abortion is performed during the first trimester of pregnancy. The doctor dilates (opens) the cervix and empties the uterus using suction. After suctioning, the doctor may also scrape the walls of the uterus to ensure the unborn child and placenta have been completely removed.
The abortion pills didn’t work and the pregnancy didn’t end
Some of the pregnancy tissue is left in your uterus
Blood clots in your uterus
Heavy and prolonged bleeding up to 2-3 weeks
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
Severe pain and cramps
Allergic reaction to one of the medicines
D & E (Dilation and Evacuation)
This procedure is used after the first trimester and may need to be done in the hospital. It can be a painful process, so painkillers, local anesthesia, or sedatives may be used. The doctor dilates the cervix and scrapes the uterus, removing the unborn child. If preformed after 16 weeks, the unborn child must be taken out piece-by-piece using forceps and other medical instruments.
D & X (Dilation and Extraction)
Used in pregnancies after 16 weeks of gestation, this procedure begins with the doctor dilating the cervix and grasping the unborn child by its foot.
The baby is then delivered, except for the head. While the head is still in the birth canal, scissors are used to make a hole at the base of the skull. A tube is inserted and the contents of the head are suctioned out. The skull is crushed and the baby is delivered dead.
Many women felt that they had no choice but to have an abortion. Deciding to have an abortion can be an emotionally traumatizing experience. After an abortion, many women have feelings of guilt, regret, emptiness, loneliness, and grief.
Some may experience serious psychological effects such as depression, lowered self-esteem, sexual dysfunction, substance abuse and even suicide. These feelings can surface immediately, sometime after or at every anniversary of the abortion.
PCS befriender and FLS counsellor can journey with you during this difficult period. You can also reach out to:
Rachel’s Vineyard email: [email protected]; website: or
Buttons Project Singapore email: [email protected]; website:
3. Adoption
Many women facing an unplanned pregnancy find that adoption is the best option for them.
Resources are available to help you place your child in a loving home. In some cases, expectant mothers are able to play a role in choosing the family that will adopt their child. We can help you through this process.
We can assist you in the adoption process to contact the relevant agencies. For more information you can visit MSF adoption website
4. Parenting
It is understandable that being a parent seems very daunting. It is a time of great change and challenges but it can also bring great joy and love.
We can help you to explore the resources available.
You may qualify for medical benefits, assistance with prenatal care, childbirth, and postnatal care.
We can support you with professional parenting resources and counselling.
Having the support of family and friends is crucial as you choose to raise your child. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Even if your community was not supportive at the beginning of your pregnancy, their reactions may be more positive once the baby arrives.
5. Finances
A visit to a gynaecologist would cost between S$80 in a public hospital to S$200 at a private clinic. In addition, you are likely to have two to four ultrasounds during your pregnancy, which would cost between S$100 to S$200 each. This cost excludes any optional testing that your gynaecologist may advise you to have.
You may visit SPIN, be a SPIN member to get support.
This guide will help you see at a glance which grants, subsidies and financial assistance you qualify for.
We will assist to refer you to government agencies such as Social Service Offices (SSO), or private agencies who are equipped to provide financial assistance to those in need.
PCS will journey with you and assess the needs and offer pro-need services, referral to agencies for legal aid, medical advice, financial help, counselling, shelter, adoption and fostering agencies and job placement. We will be with you from pre to post delivery. We provide milk formula, diapers and other baby essentials for needy clients.
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